The Jordan Journey

The Art & Science of Constructing Knowledge with Graham Bany and Braxton Thornley

Episode Summary

This year we are exploring the ISTE Student Standards and November’s focus is Knowledge Constructor. Kiera and Jared sat down with high school educators Graham Bany and Braxton Thornley to chat about how they make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.

Episode Notes

Over the course of the episode we discuss the following questions:

  1. What are some of the best digital tools you've found for making meaningful learning experiences?
  2. How do you step aside to allow the students to create their own knowledge?
  3. What are some challenges you've encountered when it comes to having students produce creative artifacts?
  4. What advice do you have for teachers who are new to this concept?

Don't forget to tune in to the end of the episode for our Pitstop Segment where we shout-out something awesome happening in Jordan School District: 🏁 🏎💨 🏁

Advertisement: We are so excited to announce the next cohort of the Jordan Edtech Endorsement, starting in January. Check out our website to sign up:

Thanks to Ross Rogers for the sound editing, and Jared Covili and Kiera Beddes for hosting.

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• Jordan Digital Teaching & Learning on Twitter, Website, Instagram

• Kiera Beddes on Twitter, LinkedIn

• Jared Covili on Twitter, LinkedIn, Website